Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What am I going to do with all this pancake mix???

First off, I am addicted to grocery shopping, I ALWAYS go to the grocery store hungry and I am a hoarder... If something is on sale at Kroger, I buy five. I store it in the pantry like a squirrel preparing for winter hibernation, and then I go to the store and buy more stuff without ever eating the stuff I already bought. It is this, along with a botched attempt at bringing breakfast for a group of friends camping (I forgot the syrup) that left me with 5 boxes of pancake mix in my apartment...

Today on the way home from yet another trip to the grocery store, I decided that I was going to cook a massive quantity of pancakes, to be stored in the freezer and grazed on throughout the next week or two, as is my custom. (I like to cook meals for an entire week when I am in a "cooking mood", then put it all in the freezer for consumption when I am NOT in a "cooking mood".)

I made two batches of pancakes:

1. Cinnamon. I made these half as directed. I put the (Hungry Man) powder into a bowl and added milk. I skipped the eggs and just added extra water, stirring to the texture I thought pancake mix should be. Then I added a whole bunch of cinnamon and made a big batch of mini cinnamon pancakes.

Serving plan: Each one will be served with about half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of pumpkin butter. Nutella is also an option...

2. Indian. It occurred to me about halfway through making the batch of cinnamon that I should make a savory pancake option as well. I'm just not that into sweets. Then, remembering that I bought a whole bunch of packaged Indian meals at the Dekalb Farmers' Market last week, I settled on adding Madras curry powder into the mix. For this batch I did not use any milk, only water, and I used extra water to make the pancakes a thinner texture. I added the powder and tasted until it was to my liking (which I would say was maybe half a teaspoon to a teaspoon, but the recipe was made up on the spot so I would also say it's pretty discretionary). I made these mini as well. (By "mini", I mean about three in the pan at once, which was approximately two tablespoons of the prepared mix per pancake.) Upon tasting, it reminded me of a roti I tried at a modern, fusion style Indian joint in Decatur about 4 or 5 years ago...

Serving plan: I plan to use these in place of naan with the prepared Indian meals, as well as with the super easy eggplant and chick pea curry recipe I made up last week (to be posted later along with a number of other random eggplant recipes I threw together in the aftermath of my massive eggplant addiction).

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